Endemic Sulawesi Accipiters

A David Mead original from Raptors of the World, published by Christopher Helm as a Handbook (2001) and a Field Guide (2005).

PLATE 42 in Handbook (Field Guide plate 46)

Vinous-breasted Sparrowhawk Accipiter rhodogaster
Sulawesi and some nearby islands

Sulawesi Small Sparrowhawk Accipiter nanus
N and C Sulawesi

Spot-tailed Sparrowhawk Accipiter trinotatus
Sulawesi and some nearby islands

ABOUT THE BIRDS Attractive in both adult and juvenile plumages, Sulawesi’s three look-alike sparrowhawk species are a challenge to any birdwatcher. They spend virtually all of their time lurking within dense forests, so are extremely difficult to see, let alone tell apart.

Surprisingly, they are not closely related to one another. Their remarkable similarities are thought to be the result of convergent evolution in similar habitats on the same island. They do have different calls and, from what is known of their diets, different food preferences.

Medium Gouache on tinted acrylic gesso
Image size 8in x 12in (20cm x 30cm)